Top 5 most expensive service fee's 2023
As the Breeding season draws near for those in Australia, choosing a colt to breed to can be one of, if not the most talked about and anticipated decisions of the year. The decision to breed to the right stallion can have a huge monetary value if the selected stallion makes a good run in the years to follow or his progeny begin to win events in their own right. The most recent example that is still at the front of minds in the cow horse industry is the legendary Hazelwood Conman. As Conman’s service fee rocketed up to 10K in his final year of breeding so did the price of his progeny on the ground. Owners of conman’s progeny are still reaping the rewards of this great sires impact in the sales ring as even seemingly average sale horses continue to bring great sums of money.
Hind sight is a harsh mistress when it comes to breeding so the decision shouldn’t be made lightly. With this in mind we can make a fair estimate on who the next up and coming sires are (or who thinks they have the next up and coming sire) by the cost of the service fee. Here are the top 5 most expensive stallions in the Australian cow horse Industry according to Select Sires.
5. Hazelwood Congressman-$3,850

Hazelwood congressman (Hazelwood Conman X Duloc Midnight Run) owned and operated by Rob Leach alongside the LC Partnership has had a stellar year in the competition ring winning both the ASHS national open (92 & 89) and the Epic horse sale open incentive Campdraft. This performance has no doubt had a significant input on the rise of service fee from $2,970- $3,850 as of September 1st this year.
4. Wallabah Excel-$4,400

An older name in the industry is Wallabah Excel (Adios Reflect X Kate), owned by Simon and Debbie Dodwell. no longer actively competing, Excel is relegated to the breeding barn. However the impact of a lifetime Campdrafting career with over 60 Campdraft wins, 34 of which being open drafts could hold the key to how the service fee could reach $4,400.
3. Nonda Southern cross-$4,400

Nonda Southern Cross (Acres Destiny X Nonda Happy Ever After) also known as Denzel owned by Dr & Mrs David Pascoe made a spectacular run starting in 2021 after a hiatus from competition for a few years, winning the Warwick stallion draft 2021 and the Nutrien classic open draft 2022, 2 of the biggest drafts in the Campdraft calendar. The coupling of therse results and 5 generations of Nonda selective breeding on the maternal line gives Denzel the service fee of $4,400.
2.Bonlac Gigolo-$5,500

Bonlac Gigolo (Blue Moon Mystic X Bonlac Escort) owned by Luke & Leah Whitehead winner of the Warwick Champion of Champions 2013, like Excel no longer competes but lives on in the competition arena through his progeny. The afore mentioned progeny competing and winning consistently within the Campdraft and Challenge community. Coupled with the explosive prices fetched each year for progeny of Bonlac Gigolo and even progeny of his sons and daughters puts him in second place for the service fee of $5,500.
1.One Stylish Pepto-$6,600

No surprises here, One Stylish Pepto (petos Stylish Oak X One Moore Spin) owned by the One Moore syndicate commonly known as the cut out king tops off the Australian cow horse industry leader board for the most expensive service fee for 2023 and also arguably the best Campdraft horse still competing. If there was a horse to make a conman like run in the years to come you would have to bet on it being one stylish. With progeny flooding into sales around Australia being sold for record numbers it’s no mistake in accounting that it will cost you $6,600 for a service fee and could very well be going up in the years to come.