10 Cutting Fundamentals from Ash Meagher

Ashleigh Meagher riding Magicool at the 2022 NCHA Futurity

The sport of cutting is a game of inches and millimetres.

In these inches and millimetres we must search for an edge, or risk being left buried in the sand. Competitors need every single small detail to go their way or failure is certain. Even then it’s commonly not enough

In this game of cat and mouse, one name commonly stands out. Ashleigh Meagher, recent inductee into the non-pro hall of fame, Multiple Gold cup winner, recent Mother and all round bad ass.

Ash has offered to share with us 10 tips she makes a habit of when showing her horses in the cutting pen.

1. Watch the herd settle

You need to watch the herd settle, whether it’s from the back of your horse or the side of the arena. There is always a cow that shouldn’t be cut, you need to know which one it is.

2. Pick your cows with someone you trust

When you turn around with 20 seconds to go on a super run you need to have someone you trust to point out “that cow”.

3. Be Prepared

Make sure your horse is fit, your boots are clean and that you have your help team sorted.

4. Learn to read cattle

Yes, you need to watch the herd settle but not everything goes to plan, the cow you want might not be in the right spot to be cut. You need to have the ability to pick a cow from a short glimpse and have confidence in your choice.

5. Time management

2.5 minutes is what you have to prove your the best in the event, make it count.

6. Cut your cows in the middle of the pen

That’s where the points are right? If you’re putting your hand down at the fence you’re already behind the ball.

7. Understand the rules and rulebook

Small mistakes such as the next one in this list can have heart breaking consequences. However the solution is simple, know the rules and know them well. “Including how the loping pen works”.

8. Don’t forget to take your tail out

Yes, having your tail down and untied is a rule and if it’s not out you could be eliminated.

9. Check your judges sheet

Always check the judges sheet to learn where you went wrong and where you went right. Most of all if you had a stuff up, work on it and try not to do it next time.

“ The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results” – Albert Einstein

10. Breath!

Make sure you’re breathing. Both the horse and cattle can sense your breathing (or lack of) as well as your confidence level. It is imperative you be a good captain of the ship and command respect.

Wrap up of Ash’s 10 Cutting tips.

Thankyou Ash for sharing these awesome insights into the world of cutting.

As with any cow horse sport, what we do leading up to an event can have as much impact on our rate of success as the things we do during the run. The people we have in our team are so important to the game and also the level of enjoyment we gleam from each event. Know who your rocks are and use them to help you. Ultimately we must strive to control the controllable and attempt to address the unknown.

End notes

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